February 07, 2020 1 min read
The Cannonball Run has a long rich history of incredible accomplishments that continues to shock and surprise the world with every new record made! The record was most recently broken by our friend Arne Torman (he co-founded AMS!), in his 700hp 2015 Mercedes Benz. Arne managed to pull off the 2800 mile journey from New York to Los Angeles in just under 28 hours (including stops)! We ran into Arne at the 2020 GTR World Cup and since he wasn’t in a hurry this time, was able to pull aside and give us a tour of the command cockpit that he and two others piloted across the country, right into the record book! The amount of tech in this car is mind boggling, and really provides some incredible insight into how they pulled off such a feat, in the safest way possible!
February 02, 2025 1 min read
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